1. Self-promotion or for getting business is not allowed.
2. You can share your blog post if its needed (e.g. to reply to the question asked by someone) otherwise they will be removed.
3. No Torrents / Illegal Stuff Promotion.
4. Copyrighted, Stolen, or illegal things (Hacking, Warez etc.) is not allowed here. If someone is found doing this, the person would be banned from Filipino Bloggers Hub Group permanently.
5. Lets stick to keep the group a hub for sharing what you have in mind, not what you have in your portfolio!
6. No personal attacks against other members.
7. Try to help and cooperate with each other. If you have problem with someone, You can solve it outside this group.
8. DO NOT SPAM The Group! (anyone who will caught will be penalize or ban.
9. Discussion or topic are encourage as long as it's healthy discussion.
10. Finally everyone here is matured enough to understand what rules mean so stick with it!
Everyone is encouraged to post blogging related articles such as, copywriting, theme customizing, seo, monetizing and articles to promote activities for this group. Let us help one another and unite as we blog.
Happy blogging!